Curiouser and curiouser...

So Bush’s economic plan has received mixed responses, at best. Most think it’s a completely crack-addled attempt at a political gesture when real economic vision is called for. But some think he’s demonstrating genuine leadership – and they’re writing letters to their local newspapers, all over the country, to say so.

The funny part is that all these people are writing the very… same… letter…

It’s funny, when you think about it. In the days before Google, this sort of blatant opinion-shilling would most likely have gone unnoticed… Clearly, it’s some kind of form-letter call to arms gone awry. How often must it happen every day? Ham-fisted PR firms and PACs generating buzz for a product or rallying the faithful to support a cause…

We should look for this kind of thing more often, shouldn’t we?

Viva la Google.