Hah! Hahah! *coughing* Hah!

There are six people I know who will get this joke, and boy will they ever laugh…

Top News: Jakob Nielsen Declares the Letter “C” Unusable

Software usability expert Jakob Nielsen made a surprise announcement on his website useit.com this week that he will be branching out from website/software usability and now be including lingual and cultural usability into his studies.

The announcement included Nielsen’s first victim in what will be a constant assessment of life and language in America.

“The letter ‘C’ is 95% bad,” states Nielsen’s latest bi-weekly newsletter which is entitled “Stop Being Stupid.”

“Our research indicates that 83% of the words being looked up are words that contain the letter ‘C’.” states Nielsen. “Most of this can be traced back to the lingual travesty which is the ‘i before e’ rule, which incidentally is one diphthong we could live without.”