Sweet Merciful Jesus

My brain has been pulled out and marinated in Retail Chain Buying Systems, then re-inserted through my ear. I’ve just emerged from a three and a half hour in depth crash course in how a multi hojillion dollar business works, down to the stocking the shelves and printing labels. I now understand the importance of acronyms like ECI and FMI and BOGO and EDLP. Most powerpoint presentations have gratuitous fluffy sections where it’s safe to zone out for a minute r two, like a break between reps when you’re exercising. Not this one. Pure condensed drink-from-the-firehose information, delivered by a guy with thirty years of industry experience and a vision for Revolutionizing The Whole Mess.

It’s all fascinating and exciting and cool stuff. But right now, my brain wants to scamper out of my skull and hide in a dark corner. I’m reminded of the immortal words of Jude Law, in Gattaca: “We need to get drunk. Immediately.