Happy Monday

First, the geek news.

Microsoft has cut Internet Explorer loose on the Mac – that’s old news. Fortunately, Safari has hit its final release version. Mmmm, OSX web browsing goodness. It’s refreshing to see new browsers released that trumpet clean UI and standards compliance as their selling points.

I love my Sony Clie, running PalmOS. But working day in day out with the .Net framework makes me cast longing glances at the relatively cheap Windows Mobile pocket PCs. Being able to whip up a nice pocket PC app using dev tools and languages I’m already familiar with? That’s very, very tempting. Must. Be. Strong.

Then, the job spam.

Work’s starting to settle into a sane rhythm now that I’m up to speed and reasonably familiar with the framework our software is based on. The challanges are starting to be actual software development challanges, now. How should this UI widget behave? How should we handle this validation issue? How should we ripple changes to the object hierarchy. It’s tougher stuff to chew on, because it involves making actual judgement calls and decisions rather than simply absorbing information, but it’s still really exciting stuff. Rar, geek geek.