Mmmm, Genius

<thealmightyajax>: I guess you're right.  It's not like Slashdot to speculate
    without any solid facts.
<protobofh>: Of course not.  It's NEWS for nerds.  Not Made Up Stuff for nerds.
<thealmightyajax>: Sorry, let me wipe some of this irony off my chin.
<predicate>: If it exists somewhere on the internet, it's news.
<predicate>: If it's cross-linked it's 'fact'
<thealmightyajax>: Blog + blog = fact.
<predicate>: Bingo!
<thealmightyajax>: So the collective noun, then, is a "fact" of blogs.
<predicate>: Nice.
<predicate>: Murder of crows... Fact of blogs...