The 10x engineer

It’s long been said that the best work in the field of tech is done by gifted 10x engineers: contributors who work harder, smarter, faster.

Some object to the idea, saying it’s unfair to the many workers who slog through unglamorous tasks freeing up the 10x’ers to do their magic.

It’s time, though, that we put feelings aside and accept the reality of the situation: science doesn’t care about fragile egos, after all.

From double-blind tests to casual anecdotes, women and minorities’ work is scientifically superior to mens’. The question is ‘why?’

Evolutionary psychology offers a clear answer: piles upon piles of mediocre dudebros serve as a filter, a savage darwinian gauntlet.

Women and minorities are gifted engineers because they’ve been hardened in the refining fire of their white male peers’ overweening idiocy.

Their analytical and problem-solving muscles have been strengthened by years of carrying self-assured colleagues’ dead weight.

Seen in this light, their priceless “soft skills” (management of difficult and easily-wounded client egos, say) are no shock, either.

The irony, of course, is that we can’t admit it. The dudebros—tons of them, heaped on Silicon Valley like cordwood—MUST stay in the dark.

If they realized their purpose, they’d be crushed. They’d shuffle off, dejected, and the brutal training regimen would be ruined.

That’s unfair, Jeff, you might say. Those men could be just as good at their job as the women around them! If they knew, they could improve!

But if they COULD, wouldn’t they have already? Why spend our time on flight-of-fancy social engineering like that?

Admitting white men aren’t as suited to high-value work as women & minorities isn’t a JUDGEMENT, just a hard truth we’re not allowed to say.