Tailored editorial tools

Great post by @nJim talking about the connection between the content models that drive a site, and the tailored editorial affordances that can make those models easier to manage! https://www.fourkitchens.com/blog/digital-strategy/drupal-can-be-user-friendly-for-nondevelopers/

I had the pleasure of working with @nJim on a couple of projects over the last couple of years and it was an absolute treat. Hoping to see more of his writing!

Something I really, really love about the example content dashboard he includes in the piece is the high profile it gives to editorial support, not JUST editorial tooling:

Years back, @webmeadow built this gloriously explainable CKEditor toolbar for one of our clients (https://www.eypae.com) — it let them build longform case studies w/embedded structured modules, with the same conventions they’d use to insert images or links.

We talk a lot about how important it is to build a shared language with design/engineering/content teams, and the folks on the front lines who create and update stuff every day are so frequently an afterthought when the ~strategizin’~ and ~ideatin’~ wraps up.

It takes shockingly little code to tailor a smooth editorial experience, but it takes care, communication, and listening to the people who will be using it. Given the payoff in long term effectiveness, it’s always shocking how few orgs are willing to invest the time!