State of the Drupal

Interesting summary of @dries’ State of The Drupal presentation from this year’s Drupalcon Eruope. Some thoughts on individual points…

Probably the biggest news is that Drupal 10 development is chugging along, not long after Drupal 9’s release. It’s difficult to describe how significant D8 was in breaking the decade-long cycle of New Versions Breaking Everything.

Reducing the dev-cost of migrating to a new version makes sticking with Drupal more attractive. It also allows orgs to focus more energy on fundamental improvements like site-specific IA, workflow, and so on — rather than rebuilding everything every 3-4 years.

Another interesting tidbit: the difficult of getting “Drupal Simplification Efforts” out the door. That’s been a challenge for many years; its strength has been its malleability, and making polished, easy-to-use tools for new site builders means streamlining specific things.

I took swings at that problem several times over the course of 15y or so, and the challenge was never technical (although there were certainly technical issues to iron out). It was always “what kind of thing should we make it simple to build?”